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  • Writer's picturePriyanka Palshetkar

Why can't I be 'gay'?

Updated: Jul 31, 2021

The Supreme Court has criminalised gay sex  after High Court's (HC) July 2009 verdict that legalised homosexuality on the basis of personal freedom, equality and no discrimination on the basis of sex or sexual intercourse. For the record, section 377 of Indian Penal Code prohibits voluntary carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal.

My opinion:      I don't understand what point is SC trying to make. And they call the decision moral and religious? How moral is it to peep into others' bedrooms and invade their privacy? And what has religion to do with it? Morality is no reason to restrict people of their fundamental rights. Sexuality is a human condition and it should not be regarded as a depravity. Who are they to judge anybody on the basis of who he or she sleeps with?

     What's worse is that SC justifies its verdict by claiming that the gay-lesbian community is a miniscule part of the population and they are violating the laws of nature. But who are we to decide what is against the laws of nature? It is not what an individual chooses for oneself. It is inherited in him or her naturally. So how can he or she be declared a criminal? And what if they form a small part of the population? If any law is abetting, be it for a single person, how is it a law? Aren't laws for the citizens' well-being?

     The LGBT community was ostracized in the past and they always will be, I guess. SC's verdict could have changed the outlook of people towards the concept of homosexuality. But instead homosexual relationships will now be termed as unethical and unnatural. Soon they will even smash friends of the same sex walking on the road! I won't be surprised if that happens!!

     When we have so many other issues to look into which are more grave, our government is sitting and tolerating all this. I mean is this the only issue left to be solved in our country? What about women harassment, corruption, terrorism, student suicides, unemployment, poverty?? When are we going to do something about all of these? Why can't our Government officials sit with the Human Resources minister and look into the matter of changing our crappy syllabus? Is this not an issue? When other countries are encouraging their youth to take up research in whatever field they like, we are asked to sit and learn stuff which find no application in real life! Is this not a problem to look into?

     Seriously, I am not in support of anybody here. Just that I don't believe that homosexuality is an issue here. It's the choice of an individual. We have to stop being regressive. No wonder our country is still developing!

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